The initial terms of members shall vary in order to achieve a staggering of membership. The term of membership of these 22 members shall be three years. Western European and Others Group - 7 seatsĮastern European/Commonwealth of Independent States- 2 seats The membership of the PCB comprises 22 Member States, elected from among the Member States of the Cosponsoring Organizations, with the following regional distribution: To review periodic reports that evaluate the progress of the Joint Programme towards the achievement of its goals. To make recommendations to the Cosponsoring Organizations regarding their activities in support of the Joint Programme, including those of mainstreaming To review audited financial statements submitted by the Joint Programme To review longer term plans of action and their financial implications To review proposals of the Executive Director and approve arrangements for the financing of the Joint Programme To review and approve the plan of action and budget for each financial period, prepared by the Executive Director and reviewed by the CCO
For this purpose it is kept informed of all aspects of the development of the Joint Programme and considers reports and recommendations submitted to it by the Executive Director, and the Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations (CCO) To review and decide upon the planning and execution of the Joint Programme. To establish broad policies and priorities for the Joint Programme, taking into account the provisions of General Assembly resolution 47/199
The Programme Coordinating Board has the following broad functions: Established in 1994 by a resolution of the UN Economic and Social Council and launched in January 1996, UNAIDS is guided by a Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) with representatives of 22 governments from all geographic regions, the UNAIDS Cosponsors, and five representatives of nongovernmental organizations, including associations of people living with HIV.